That Was Simple
Unemployement-The Sanity Chronicles
It's very exciting to read a blog that is so current and inspiring in these trying times in the United States today. It's almost unprecedented that in a County like ours, the unemployment rate can be so high and so much talent is just left on the side lines. In the Sanity Chronicles, you can take the journey and read some very inspiring and thought provoking entries from someone who is in the same boat as 13.2 million other Americans. The blog itself is well written and makes me wonder if the author isn't already doing so, why not look into freelance writing. Go get a copy of The Writer's Market, or these days, point your browser to their website, and start submitting some work. One blog critique observation I can make and could help in generating some income is to set up some google AdSense on your blog. Some say it takes away from the blog experience for your readers, I disagree. You'd be surprised how it could add up.
I will have to say that my favorite post is a recent one, What's YOUR worm smokin?, that speaks about passion. This is so important and people who are unemployed are in a unique situation in that they can think about that a little deeper. If you had your choice, to open a business or work for a company or start a new career, what would it be? What would you LOVE to do everyday? You are in a position now to act on this thought. Finding your passion. It's the most important thing in life.
So to sum it all up...I highly recommend the blog and thoroughly enjoyed perusing it's entries. Job well done and keep the blog rolling!
Under Pressure At Pembroke
Going To My Head
Sweetheart Confections
Blabber Girl
At first glance, Blabber Girl is busy and disorienting, like being lost in a crowd on the streets of New York at Christmas time around the tree at Rockefeller Center, but as you explore and navigate your ways down the side streets and nooks and crannies of the blog, you see some real substance and the idea and perception shine through. Some issues with linking within the blog itself, but this is more of the nuts and bolts, something for the techies to fix. As for creativity and the nitty gritty of the the writing itself, I found it to be entertaining. It's a cool blog with a reality show feel. Definitely worth a a visit and for it's target audience, I can see it becoming a daily read and growing into a successful blog.
Visit Philadelphia-Restaurant Reviews
The Good News

In today's world it seems like everywhere you turn we are being pounded by information, news, and commentary. Most of it is negative, gut wrenching, and horrible. How many missiles have North Korea launched, what child has been swept away by a river current, how many perished in the latest earth quake. The simple fact of the matter is, bad news sells. It's no wonder people walk around all day in a fog and have become desensitized to the world around them. To life in general. I think that if you look, you can find the good news in the world, short clips on TV or a new paper article about how a few kids sold lemonade to help a neighbor out. Whatever the case might be.
The goal I have with this feature is going to be to try to find the good news and comment on it. You are what you eat and you feel what you absorb, and if you are absorbing negative things all day you are bound to be, well...bound up.
Artwork By Diane

Happy Thanksgiving
A Spoonful of Chocolate Sistah
Bargain Avenues
LL World Tour-Just a Girl In The World
My Father's Daughter
Bed Bug Resource
Tantrumzz of the Rat
Can I really Write?
Hakuna Matata
HappilyEver After
Auto Link?
Trapped in a Walnut
Random Thoughts of a Chronic Thinker
Pick myself up...dust off...start all over again?
Time enough has passed since the blogging bug has come and gone, and as history has shown us, things repeat themselves. they reinvent themselves, and I've decided to renew the passion of blogging that seems to come and go in this crazy community of ours. During my hiatus I've continued to blog at my pest control blogs ( ) , but never was able to keep up with the daily dedication a blog like this encompasses.
Anyway, I'm back in business and ready to start back to doing the think I love best. Reading, promoting, and critiquing the blogs that make this world go round.
I am clearing the que in the submit your blog if you recently submitted any blog, kindly resubmit and I will start fresh and new from here.
Crystal Jigsaw
Many Moons Ago...
Haphazard Happenstances, back on August 9th 2006. Before writing this entry I clicked onto her blog and found it to be just as refreshing and inviting as it was back when I first critiqued it, even better in fact.
Over the years I've made alot of acquaintances in the blog world, many of whom I have kept in touch with as I continued to blog ( , ), and many whom I have fallen out of contact with. One thing that remains constant is the bloggers undying love for this media outlet. It was this reasoning that I got into blogging to begin with and it was with this reason I began critiquing. Bloggers love what they do, clear and simple. So I decided to click onto my first blog passion and sign on to tap back into my creative side again and start to critique blogs whom ask to be critiqued. The reason I stopped with this project still remains, my work has taken me in a different direction where my time is very limited, so naturally I can not dedicate the time that I used to dedicate to Critique My Blog. I can, however, critique as time allows and get back into the world of discovery that is the blogesphere.
Pastel and Paint
Sue Doe
Some Labor Day Critiques
- Products include the Cyber Tracker, Cyber Rad, Cyber Shield, and Act Soft Software.
- At the end of this quarter they had 25,000 dollars in cash on hand. You can check out their financial report here.
- HISC has had positive press on various TV stations including HGTV over the years.
- The cyber tracker is on the Nextel system.
HISC is one of those penny stock companies that offer a strong product line with some revenue behind them. At this time they are not setting the world on fire, but the company is in a positive spiral and there is some decent management behind it as well. I would look at the website and do your home work with this one. I can see this company doing a reverse split in the future do to its high volume of shares out there. Hopefully this won't be the case though. Possible share buybacks have been discussed in the past and hopefully this will be the path the management takes.
Making money with your blog
Congrats to Skittle's PLace
Catholic Computes
A miner tragedy?
I eluded to a fact I heard on a TV show last night that in three to ten years, scientists will be able to grow a living, working being in a pitri dish! It is well beyond scary to think that we are that close to this kind of science fiction. When you think of the possibilities with military and just overall workforce development, it blows the mind. So look for the Matrix revisited in the near future.