
Pimp it up

This is my kind of blog...Sue's got the idea down to a science when it comes to building her page rank and other rankings and her revenue building ideas on her blog are right on. She's got a sidebar worth of gold when it comes to knowledge for bloggers, and her blog is a journey to make some extra income online as stated in her first couple of posts that you can check out here.
Very impressed with this one and let us know how it's going....great job. You should check out the Monetized Mondays contest and join the crusade!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for critiquing my blog, and your kind words! They are appreciated! And yes, I will definitely be checking out Mondays, and I will let you know how I'm doing! Thanks so much again!

DirkStar said...


Not my cup of tea at all...

Her site looks like a NASCAR vehicle.