
The Markmiller 5

Hats off once again to typepad as a great blogging platform. It's been a while since I reviewed a blog from Typepad and I just love the format and crispness of their blogs. Now for the Markmillers. How great is it to have the pleasure of reading a blog where the love of family just jumps off of the screen at you? I love blogs like this. Also I have to also give congrats to your son on his Tae Kwon Do Yellow belt. My two sons and my wife are both in Tae Kwon Do and are moving their way up to black belt fast. I also have to acknowledge a post from your early times where you discuss an interview with Starbucks...was this for your husband to go to work for them? If it is I have a fantastic story to tell about this company....comment in the comments section and let me know and if I get a chance I will write a separate post about it. As for the's sensational. Keep up the good work and keep the blog rolling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words. I actually had to go back to find the post you were talking about- lol, no we actually met someone at Starbucks for an interview- lol. You had me stumped for a minute with that one! Thanks so much and visit again!!