
Sarge Charlie

IN the blogosphere there are certain blogs that demand respect. This is one of them. Before I even reviewed this blog I heard of him via other bloggers and would stop by from time to time to see what the buzz was about.You can guess by the title of the blog that it is about a retired Army Sargent who loves America and is posting his opinion about public affairs and all things regarding America all over the blogosphere. His conservative views almost make me want to dub him the Glenn Beck of the blog world with strong opinions and a clear and true love for his Country and you can see that he cares about the direction it goes in. The blog is brilliantly written and sends a strong why not stop by today and say hello to this American blogging icon.


Barb said...

He is a wonderful man and a true hero!

Sarge Charlie said...

I am honored bill, I hope you do not mind if I copy and paste. You made me proud.......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

couldn't agree more! great review...

smiles, bee

Amazing Gracie said...

In just a short few months, I have come to admire this guy something fierce!!! He and his wife are two of the most outstanding people, who truly care about everyone they meet.
He's a true hero!

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

The Glenn Beck of the Blog world, nice ring to it, and since I admire both me, I can agree.