

First off let me say that I might have to ban those automatic music players some of you have on your blog. Do you know what it's like to have total quiet and then suddenly be blasted by Sinatra singing Downtown!?!? I'm a jumpy guy to begin with. Having said that I have to say that I found this poopy site very light hearted and fun until I went to the very first post called Invites are out. This is truly a cool site, despite the potential for cardiac death from the rotten stinking music player, and it's written in a manner that compels you to keep on reading. Good stuff all around and highly recommend a visit. Good job.


Stacy said...

Thank you sir. Very kind.

Sorry You Almost died from the music player. It's fun though.

Stacy said...

PS... That post on setting up a new blog... didn't keep it long. Deleted it after a few posts.

none said...

I agree snowman poop has funny stuff. That player makes me pucker my computer chair as well

Terri said...

I've been checking Snowman Poop's blog since the day I discovered it. She never fails to make me laugh.

Cathy said...

Snowman Poop is on my list of daily reads. I love her sense of humor and the diversity of her content.