

Here's is a truly unique blog with a funny perspective on life in general. It's like a daily look at the world through the eyes of John Cleese. Yaxlich is from England and his observation of America having the internet in one of his posts just made me laugh because it was presented so matter of factly that is struck me as funny. The humor is dry at times which I love and it's just a fun blog to surf through. I smiled the whole time. Great work Yaclich!


Yaxlich said...

Yaxlich is pleased that Mr Mac enjoyed reading his blog and for saying lots of kind words. He is honoured that you compared him to John Cleese as Mr Cleese is one of Yaxlich's favourite comedians.

Reeholio said...

I think Yaxlich's blog is one of the funniest on the internet. Good hearty British humour. Nearly as funny as Black Adder, Monty Python and The Young Ones.

Yaxlich said...

Yaxlich would like to thank Reeholio for his kind words. Yaxlich doesn't mean to be funny, it just sometimes comes out that way.

Anonymous said...

His style is very stagger wish he all the best.